Competency Interviews Made Easy

Our powerful INSTANT ANSWER BUILDER creates perfect STAR answers, all tailored to you and your target job.

Boost Your Confidence • 45 Competencies Covered •  92% of members get their target job

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Top quality STAR answers

"I found the answers generated by the system were really top quality, correct structure and surprisingly accurate based on the input I gave it. They gave me a lot of confidence, I was very impressed."

Harry, Finance Assistant, London

Answer builder fantastic

"I found the Answer Builder tool really fantastic for creating STAR examples. I never know what to say but you click the button, enter a few details and out pops an answer. Ok it's very clever and really helped with getting my job."

Farah, Sheffield UK

As recommended by top recruiters and in the press


Brilliant STAR Competency Answers

Let our powerful INSTANT ANSWER BUILDER create your perfect answers

Simply enter details of your task or achievement and in an instant you will have a detailed STAR answer tailored to you. Edit and personalise, perfect for any application or interview.

Know Just What to Say

It's time to stop worrying about those difficult competency and behaviour questions.

Know just what to say with your expert STAR answers tailored to you and your target job.

Created for you by the powerful Answer Builder in minutes and perfect for any application or interview.

Correctly Crafted Including Positive Behaviours and Keywords

The advanced Competency STAR Answer Builder will help create your winning answers with just a few clicks.

Enter your target job and employer plus details of your task or project and in minutes you will have tailor made responses.

With the right examples, behaviours and keywords to include, your answers are sure to score top marks.

Plus Expert Advice to Pass any Competency or Behaviour Interview

Breeze through any competency or behaviour interview with ease. With your InterviewGold online training program you get everything you need for successful applications and interviews.

Expert advice, detailed tutorials, video tips and more. Get instant access today and get the job you want.

45 Different Competencies Covered

You will get perfectly structured detailed STAR answers based on you and your task or achievement. With the correct positive behaviours for your level plus keywords expected. 45 different competencies are covered including:

Civil Service Behaviours

  • Changing and Improving
  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Delivering at Pace
  • Developing Self and Others
  • Leadership
  • Making Effective Decisions
  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Seeing The Big Picture
  • Working Together

Core Competencies

  • Achieving Results
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Building Relationships
  • Conflict Management
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Coping with Pressure
  • Decision Making
  • Financial Management
  • Leadership
  • Managing Customers
  • Negotiation
  • Organisational skills
  • Planning and Organising
  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Strategic Management
  • Systems and IT
  • Team Working

Personal Competencies

  • Attention To Detail
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Empathy and Sensitivity
  • Initiative
  • Interpersonal
  • Professional integrity
  • Vigilance and Situational Awareness
  • Self Confidence and Assertiveness
  • Determination and Drive
  • Decision Making
12 months unlimited membership for only £69
Get Instant Access • Practice online 24/7 • 100% Guarantee

Boost Your Chances of Success by 92%

Join thousands of job seekers who have used InterviewGold to develop their interview technique and win jobs. In a recent survey 92% of InterviewGold members said they felt more confident, better prepared and got jobs.

"Amazing Answer Builder"

"I was very impressed with the platform. For me the best part is the way it creates the instant answers. Literally in minutes I had an answer that I could use on my application - that was pretty amazing!"

Cassie UK

"Tailored to my role"

"I give it 5/5 because a. It's easy with lots of variety of ways to learn b. It's specific to my job (Project Management) - you just enter the job you are after and make a few selections and c) It made a difference because two weeks after signing up I went for an interview and got an offer."

PJ Project Manager

"Just been offered a job"

"Pleased I joined the site, because I've now just been offered a job and I'm really excited. So much in the site but I though the answer builder feature with the mock interviews was great, made me think and not just that by recording my answers I think I was able to remember them better."

Anita Cardiff

A Trusted Resource

You know it's good when some of the top employers and universities in the World are using it.

Tailored to Your Target Job

With InterviewGold you get competency questions, winning STAR answers and expert training all specific to your target job. Select yours and get started.